Your dreams, that was not only yours!
Your desire, that was not only yours!
Your Tears, that was not only yours!
Actually you couldn’t find but
There was someone to share them!!

The loneliness, that was not only yours!
The Feelings, that was not only yours!
The tiredness, that was not only yours!
Actually you couldn’t feel but
There was someone to strengthen you!!

Your will, that was not only yours!
The Satire on you, that wasn’t only yours!
Your Heart, that was not only yours!
Actually you never imagined but
There was only ME, to love you!!


Short… memories?

The first time I entered on the chat was this summer (I remember it because it was being the World Cup and there were a scoreboard on the top of the chat). I joined the chat because I wanted to practice English… and now I join it nearly everyday because of the friends I’ve made on it.

One of the first memories I have about the chat is me being scolded because I was saying bad words, but most of the memories I have about the chat and the people participating on it are very very positive.

I also remember “teaching” spanish to people in the room (I think that I was teaching spanish to Carmy and Agnes… but I can’t remember it clearly) LOL. Me? teaching something? don’t make me laugh haha. I can remember talking about fruit and having discussions with Almu aka Heckel and also with Jeckel… damn grapes LOL, the “ckel day” was funny too. I remember all the laughs (me calling him God because he was able of changing his nick without exiting the room, for example LOL) with RGuy aka RG aka Batman aka X_x. It also pops to my memory all the chats I’ve had with SpanishGirl (the serious chats and the not so serious ones) and how I enjoy them. I remember talking with Zara about sports and how I love running while it’s raining hahaha. I can’t forget sharing “secrets” with Ieva :). All the fights with Vio and how I enjoy taunting her to start a new one LOL. One of the funiest night was when I started to say that I was going to sell my sons and how Patrick was encouraging me to do it… and I can’t forget Cyclone, the boss of this place, I only can tell you: thank you for the chat, without you all this craziness couldn’t be done.

I also want to remember two friends I’ve made that they don’t join this chat (I wonder why…):
-Stive, this dude was “my first friend” on the chat, we used to share our thoughts about different topics in the private chat.
-Jess, all I can say to this girl is thank you, thank you very very much. She listened all my problems when I need it the most without even knowing me…

The most important thing to say about people on English Chats is that I truly believe that they’re good people because they don’t mind where you’re from, or your age, they just want you to be good and they try to make you feel good.

I don’t want to finish my “memories” without telling thank you to all of my friends in English Chats, because I’m not going through my best days, but you’re always able to make me forget about my real life problems and put a true smile on my face day after day… and that’s priceless, so thank you.


That word that stayed on your mind,
That smile which made your day bright!
That small piece of honest care,
Or… little hope left there!

This helpful hand someone gave you unasked
and the best thing… someone’s trust!
Those little things can make your day,
Even when you want to stay away!

So be aware of what you do or say,
Don’t judge, don’t lie and don’t betray!
Even one single word can mean a lot,
For someone whom you may already forgot!


Once Upon A Time… :)

EC… Englishchats… EC

The very first time I came into this room, I’m falling in love with it. The uniqueness it brings, the society that living in it, the warm welcoming wishes from… people who we never know. Its like no boundaries in making friends, no matter from where you are, who you are and what you are, you are welcomed in here. 

Dear EC,
As time passes, I got addicted to you <3 lol. I still remember, I was having big exam (very important exam) at that time… but when I got home… I’ll come to EC first, only then books πŸ˜› **haish don’t do like this.. focus on exam first -.- There was time when I was sad… I came to the room, and my smile came back. I use to share the problems with them(users) Even I’m having headache… I am telling them -.- I know its kinda childish or, anything that you want to say.. but .. EC doesn’t mind and you get many care from this family.. hehe **feeling touched  ** Well, you may get or may not get the solutions, but you can find that there are many good listeners in here πŸ˜‰ That’s what more really important.

In here, I make new friends… who can be crazy who can laugh who can be sad with me.. who can give me strength in any situation. Even I have asked about my homework in here πŸ˜€ and thanks all that help.. and Cyclone … many thanks for you .. for being patient with me πŸ˜› and those who attributes to EC Thanks a lot πŸ˜€ Even I found… love from here,(mere pehla pyaar) (Dont know if it is correct-.-) **p/s : Sayang…I loved you, I’m loving you, and I will love you ! ..Thanks for everything, Jaan..I miss you..**

Well, ehem ehem.. continue about EC.. πŸ˜›
We talked about parties, what dress we should wear, what food we should have, birthday party lol even my b’day, this loving family remembered πŸ˜€ We discussed about knowledge, jokes, quotes and we fight with those haters of EC !! yehh ! πŸ˜€ EC.. I missed you.. I have been very busy these lately  With studies.. work.. However, I know you’ll always be there with us πŸ˜‰ Many moments we shared together.. I don’t mind if we share more ! By tomorrow, it ll be 24th Sept, You ll be 2 years old πŸ˜€ hehe Happy Birthday to you EC ! β€œMany many happy returns of the day !” (I don’t know how exactly this sentences…rarely used it) huhuu. I wish to write more, really  but time being jealous with sad .. I ll post many more in the express site πŸ˜€

Till here, Enjoy with EC guys and girls πŸ˜‰ also … all the new user : you are welcomed into here ! Let the spirit of friendship.. spread between us ! Love is in the air. And EC, stay like this.. stay be the most decent chat that I have ever found.. stay being cool  , being β€˜crazyβ€™οŠ , being lovable  being enjoyable  being happy , being active and many moreeeeeee πŸ˜€ <3

Haaapppy BBiirtthhdaaayyy EC …Selamat Hari Jadi EnglishChats  ..


Ignore my broken English, I am trying to improve it and… there EC will help me πŸ˜‰ but I hope you guys still can understand what i am trying to say πŸ˜€

Owl πŸ™‚


Patrick Part – II

OK, I decided to write this second post because I feel sorry. I feel sorry because I forgot to mention about Agnes in the previous one! I found it would not be fair if I didn’t say something. So let’s the story begin again πŸ˜€ I remember that particular night when I met polish people in the chat for the first time (you know… when we were talking about crappy show on Polsat ;p ). Beside Cutie and Carmen there was also Agnes then! However, she left the chat early and we didn’t talk to each other for too long. Over the next weeks I used to see her occasionally but she was too busy pming with others (I guess )to talk with Pat ;p

And then I became a rare guest on EC (when I think about it now I conclude that it was caused by Agnes…. I broke down because she hadn’t talked with me ;p ).

Anyway, I’ve had opportunity to talk with Agnes recently and I found out that she and Carm are friends in a real life too xD. It was a shock for me. Seriously. I had no slightest idea about it.

By the way, is it fair that all Polish that I’ve met here live so far away from poor Pat? ;D OK, it’s a rhetorical question. The answer is obvious: it’s not fair ;p

OK, there is one more person that I have met recently. Yes, I am talking about Benzema. As far as I know he joined the chat when I was absent. If someone will try to tell me that he joined chat before I broke down πŸ˜€ it will mean that I have problems with my memory and I have to go to the doctor πŸ˜›

Anyway, he appeared to be smart, intelligent and funny (omG…. did i write it about a man! xD). He has a lot of skirmishes with vio. Poor vio πŸ™ And on top of that he thinks about setting up the business and selling children πŸ˜€


EC Moments

The first time I joined EC it was about end of summer and I entered the nick Violet. When I joined here I was just Violet who used to watch screen and many colorful fonts and chatters who were typing and laughing together. I asked myself “oh vio 0.o soooo what’s next then?” I said “Hi” and that was how it all started πŸ˜›

Still I am Violet but now I have many good friends and I appreciate them. In every moment whether I feel low or even sad they would do their best to make me feel good and I’m really thankful for having them in my life.

I’ve learned that whoever you are, whatever your age is, no matter how far you are with all these differences you can feel them, keeping in touch with them and respect them. I have passed good and bad moments in EC. I’ve learned lots of things from ECians and I have gained a lot of good and best friends, nice sis, broom and many dream wishes -.-

I hope to see you all happy always, with all best wishes πŸ™‚



When i have heard about this idea to depict memories and stories concerning my adventures with EC, I found it as a great idea. It’s a little bit like a time travel and a great way to recall about a lot of things that gave me a lot of fun. Anyway, I decided to add my own post here. So let’s the story begin ;D
Everything have started one late evening… actually it was at night cause it was 2 am. Anyway, I was bored and I typed something like “English chat” in my browser. I’ve never used any kinds of chats with ppl who I don’t even know so it was so excited. OK, it wasn’t… I was just more and more sleppy.
After a while I joined EC as there was no need to create a new account. There was just some folks chatting (maybe because it was 2am …hmm) but I was welcomed kindly by Algierian guy called Hana. Unfortunately, a moment later chat has broken down and I went to sleep.
I haven’t visited EC over the next few days (or weeks… I’m not sure) till one special evening (this time it was evening indeed ;p) I joined the chat again. I didn’t take part in the conversation, though and it was simply because I’ve started to do other things. Eventually, I decided to close the website but then I noticed that some ppl are saying that they’re from Poland (I’m from Poland too if you don’t know ;p). So I wrote “No siema ;D” (Hello in Polish). I met Carmen and Cutie (both Polish) as well as Uncle, Rguy, Cyc and Clare. I remember that we have started to talk about a crappy talent show that there was on Polsat then and about even crappier shows that are on Polish TV (damn… why are they so stupid). Anyway, I’ve also found “Polish Gang” (which actually isn’t composed of Polish only cause Carmen is from Lanka) and “Metal Gang” (However, I don’t know why nobody wanted to join this one :/ ). As far as I remember, I’ve also joined “Stupidos Gang” because I didn’t want Cutie to be the only stupido person on this chat :))
With fondness I recall one more Polish guy whose name I don’t actually remember. However, he was heavy metal fan ;d He called me “Metal King” ;d and was a little weak in geography cause he didn’t know where Lublin is but it doesn’t matter for me.
I’ve also introduced a new phrase to EC dictionary, which is “wzium wzium” and you can use it every time when you don’t know what to say (it’s much better then tututum by the way ;p).
All in all, I’ve met a lot of great ppl here. One of them was Rguy known also as a PM Master. He is Lankan just like Carmen. It’s hard to say if he ever sleep cause every time when I join EC he is in there. I remember that one day we wanted to organize “Bikini Contest”. Unfortunately, nobody wanted to participate (apart from Yayo but one person was not enough πŸ™ ).
I could not forget about Carmen also known as Esophagus, Liver and Pharynx. She studies medicine and want to become cardiac surgeon. I’ve never met bigger fan of Enej than she is πŸ™‚ and on top of that Rguy always asks me about her when I join the chat ;p
There is also Cutie. She was both my mum and dad (I don’t know how it’s possible but I’m a part of “Stupidos Gang” so I think that you can forgive me this lack of knowledge πŸ™‚ ). Anyway, she was poor child and she didn’t know how to interract with others. Once she wrote something and everybody quitted chat next. It was only when I wrote something people actually have started to write on main chat ;p
It is impossible to count how many times I have been called nerd, stupid, kid or gΕ‚upiΕ› by her. Many times I have been threatened to be banned when she will finally become admin (fortunatelly it didn’t happen ;d). In my opinion she has makings of being school bully and I don’t exclude the option that she really is (stories ’bout santa Claus and flowers watering confirm it).
OK, shower time…

By and large, I’ve got a lot of great memories with EC. I had also no slightest idea that EC is going to be 2 years old on September 24th. It’s a great thing and I hope that all these great ppl that I met here (including: Larry, Sos, Vio, Yara, Ieva, Cutie, Yayo, Uncle, Cyc, Rguy, Carmen, Clare, Uy and a lot of other people that I’ve forgotten to name) will still make ec the best decent chat πŸ™‚


The Graduation

Graduation is the end of your study at university, you can say that it is the best moment and day in the whole study life. You will feel confused, happy, nervous, worried; a mixture of many and different emotions….That what happened to me. Hahaha! I couldn’t sleep the night before that day. I was really excited as It’s the most awaited day in a student life….. We enjoyed and shared the happiness with everyone with the family and friends. When they were calling our names to give us our qualification papers, It was an amazing moment and everyone’s looking at you with applause !!!!!

