
When i have heard about this idea to depict memories and stories concerning my adventures with EC, I found it as a great idea. It’s a little bit like a time travel and a great way to recall about a lot of things that gave me a lot of fun. Anyway, I decided to add my own post here. So let’s the story begin ;D
Everything have started one late evening… actually it was at night cause it was 2 am. Anyway, I was bored and I typed something like “English chat” in my browser. I’ve never used any kinds of chats with ppl who I don’t even know so it was so excited. OK, it wasn’t… I was just more and more sleppy.
After a while I joined EC as there was no need to create a new account. There was just some folks chatting (maybe because it was 2am …hmm) but I was welcomed kindly by Algierian guy called Hana. Unfortunately, a moment later chat has broken down and I went to sleep.
I haven’t visited EC over the next few days (or weeks… I’m not sure) till one special evening (this time it was evening indeed ;p) I joined the chat again. I didn’t take part in the conversation, though and it was simply because I’ve started to do other things. Eventually, I decided to close the website but then I noticed that some ppl are saying that they’re from Poland (I’m from Poland too if you don’t know ;p). So I wrote “No siema ;D” (Hello in Polish). I met Carmen and Cutie (both Polish) as well as Uncle, Rguy, Cyc and Clare. I remember that we have started to talk about a crappy talent show that there was on Polsat then and about even crappier shows that are on Polish TV (damn… why are they so stupid). Anyway, I’ve also found “Polish Gang” (which actually isn’t composed of Polish only cause Carmen is from Lanka) and “Metal Gang” (However, I don’t know why nobody wanted to join this one :/ ). As far as I remember, I’ve also joined “Stupidos Gang” because I didn’t want Cutie to be the only stupido person on this chat :))
With fondness I recall one more Polish guy whose name I don’t actually remember. However, he was heavy metal fan ;d He called me “Metal King” ;d and was a little weak in geography cause he didn’t know where Lublin is but it doesn’t matter for me.
I’ve also introduced a new phrase to EC dictionary, which is “wzium wzium” and you can use it every time when you don’t know what to say (it’s much better then tututum by the way ;p).
All in all, I’ve met a lot of great ppl here. One of them was Rguy known also as a PM Master. He is Lankan just like Carmen. It’s hard to say if he ever sleep cause every time when I join EC he is in there. I remember that one day we wanted to organize “Bikini Contest”. Unfortunately, nobody wanted to participate (apart from Yayo but one person was not enough 🙁 ).
I could not forget about Carmen also known as Esophagus, Liver and Pharynx. She studies medicine and want to become cardiac surgeon. I’ve never met bigger fan of Enej than she is 🙂 and on top of that Rguy always asks me about her when I join the chat ;p
There is also Cutie. She was both my mum and dad (I don’t know how it’s possible but I’m a part of “Stupidos Gang” so I think that you can forgive me this lack of knowledge 🙂 ). Anyway, she was poor child and she didn’t know how to interract with others. Once she wrote something and everybody quitted chat next. It was only when I wrote something people actually have started to write on main chat ;p
It is impossible to count how many times I have been called nerd, stupid, kid or głupiś by her. Many times I have been threatened to be banned when she will finally become admin (fortunatelly it didn’t happen ;d). In my opinion she has makings of being school bully and I don’t exclude the option that she really is (stories ’bout santa Claus and flowers watering confirm it).
OK, shower time…

By and large, I’ve got a lot of great memories with EC. I had also no slightest idea that EC is going to be 2 years old on September 24th. It’s a great thing and I hope that all these great ppl that I met here (including: Larry, Sos, Vio, Yara, Ieva, Cutie, Yayo, Uncle, Cyc, Rguy, Carmen, Clare, Uy and a lot of other people that I’ve forgotten to name) will still make ec the best decent chat 🙂

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Read 5 comments

  1. Hey hey! I was smiling reading all your post! 😀 I agree with it 100%!
    Polish gang started from 'carppy' tv show on Polsat 😀 Honestly I dunno how something so silly could start our ''Polish Gang'' xD But I'm soo happy i could meet you all here!


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