Flowers And My Dreams

I was walking through a road…a long one. I looked straight to see where it extended up to..but couldn’t see that clear for it looked faint in the misty air that followed. The sky was clear and blue, beneath where I stepped with hope not letting my dreams fall from my hands. As I walked, I looked into the green grasses that bore colorful flowers and I was pleased to see them and wanted to collect some! But I suddenly realized that these tender would not be of any use in my long journey to an unknown yet seemingly Himalayan destination. I decided to continue my journey leaving behind these sweet flowers. I walked long along the long road. Days and nights passed, but I didn’t stop by. I was hungry,exhausted and weak…but  my dreams gave me all the strength that would be and could be there on this universe! One day, I just began to think of my destination…but I came to the realization that I was not satisfied with my journey that lead me to an unknown destiny…and I thought how far and how long could I keep walking!? will I  reach my destination ever? I felt like losing hope, lacking strength to walk further! My foot trembled with numbness. I stopped all of a sudden. I just looked beside me, there lied the same grass with those sweet and beautiful flowers. They always admire me, but I used to ignore them all the days when they were with me all my way…I felt guilty…I threw my dreams away in the misty air and decided to go with the flowers instead of the rest of my life. The flowers were happy and they gave me better dreams and showed me a new path to reached a clear destiny. I thanked the flowers and went on… And sometimes it happens…Changes are inevitable in life! Something uncertain can always mislead you. But a bit of certainty can bring much meaning in to your life 🙂


Why Wait??

Why do we wait till they are gone,
Before we tell them of their worth.
Why not tell them now?
That they mean so much to you…

Why do we wait till that person is gone,
To send them flowers galore
When a single rose would mean to have so much to them
Only if we would have taken at their doors…

Why do we wait till they become deaf?
The good things we might say could bring a smile on their face
Why keep it for later?

Of course we are busy that’s our excuse
But why oh why, do we wait
To tell a person, our love for them
Until it becomes too late for that


My PlAcE In ThE RaCe~~

I had a visit of some previous days
Where I was trying to find a single way
What interesting was there to see
Left places were still waiting for me!!

Certainly It was not just a co-incident
Even it was not used for single day on rent
As nobody wanted to loose that race
I think I had a wrong selection of that place!!

Well , I tried there to change situations
Without hoping for any impression
And as I looked to have a change
I was warned there , as it’s effect had a long range!!

Still I wanted to bring some change
But perhaps a small shift could have a large change
So , left that once again, in the same range
And returned back without any change !!

Now , I am waiting for a right place
If there is something for me , to trace
But I’ll never go back to make a change
The change which may destroy everything!!

Still I am hopeful and would like to stay
because I know there will be a day
When I will be able to have a place
The place which will never need any race!!


Have you ever felt the magic of love?

Have you ever had a special day?
I mean, not just special day
Have you ever opened your eyes
thinking about your love?
Have you ever smiled without reason?
Have you ever wished to feel his warmth?
It doesn’t matter if you are sure or unsure about
what is occurring in your lives
You know he is your everything
You know he loves you in the same way
You know he is the unique person
you are yearning for

Have you ever wished to stop all your daily things
in order to meet him for some minutes?
There are some days when everything
seem to call his name
Have you ever felt you wanted to whisper love words to his ears?

Have you ever imagined
his caresses going off
all the alarms your skin owns?
Have you ever wished to make a phone call
so as to listen to his voice?

There are moments in which
everything appears to loose sense
In a sudden, you remember of him
And, there you feel the beauty of life again
It seems that he increases your own will to live
If you have perceive this way of loving, you will understand the content of these lines …

Have you ever wished to fall asleep
staring at his face?
Have you ever wished to hold his hand?
Have you ever wished to take care of his heart?
Have you ever wished to bare his soul?
Have you ever felt like loving him for good ?


Not a Fairy Tale

I still remember

It was the last of November

It was raining all day long

And the wind was strong

I was only nine years old…

You were two years younger than me

I opened my arms widely

Then we hugged each other

Were I your mother,

I would do the same and more!

We sneaked to the backyard

My parents stayed inside

The storm hit the whole city

But Israel hit our own home!

People rushed from everywhere

But I was full of despair!

We stayed alone

Without mom

Without dad

Without home!

Both of us

No one else

We were there inside a tent

I was shivering, and you too

The tent was about to fly

As the storm started to blow

You missed your teddy bear

I missed my warm blanket


The torrent pulled them all

Were I able to change the calendar

I would delete that November

It was raining bombs and rockets

Oh my mom… Oh my dad

I would delete that day…
When you both passed away



Learning English

This is my first time to be here. Last few days I am continuously searching a site in google from where I can write something to improve my writing English. Finally, I found this site. Looks like this is a great site that exactly I was looking for.

I was logged in a chat room and I am so surprised to see that this is one of the decent chat rooms I have ever visited. I had a chat with few persons and all of them are very nice as well as very helpful person.

I asked them how can I improve my writing skills. They gave me few tips . A nice lady from Tehran she was also very helpful but I don’t want to mention her name.

I am thinking I will write everyday something as my English writing practice. Rather than just watching TV I will express my self by writing in English here. I hope moderator will correct my mistake and will help to get my writing better.

This is a great site and I am really grateful to you for building such a nice site like this.

Bye for now.



ThE SaMe MoMeNt!!~

While returning from those days
and turning around the lost pages
I discovered a moment
Which could have been traced earlier!!

Just , was trying to recall
Why it was left , without any call
I got an answer
Which could have been answered earlier!!

Perhaps , was in search of someone
Hoping the same to return
I founded a new one
Which could have been founded earlier!!

Still don’t know if I will be able to make
Or again someone is there to take
As I want to add this
Which could have been added earlier!!

Let’s see , I am in wait
Hoping once again , it’s not too late
But who knows if it’s also the same moment
Which could have been traced earlier!!~~



Confused me!

Unfortunately, When one’s Soulmate passes away there are 2 options,
(a)that person should leave too; or
(b) that person should not be afraid to make new memories.
If option (a) is chosen, will that prove this person love belonged only to his/her soulmate?


I BeLiEvE~~

Well , This world is so large
With a lot of expectations
But I believe there would be a way
As we all have got some dreams!!
I believe we all will have a day
A day which is named as tomorrow
As it never gonna end anywhere!!
I believe we will have our own business
Something which we need to express
As it never needs anyone’s search!!
I believe we will have that touch
Yes, the one from which we always feared
As we never know whats gonna be secret!!
I believe we will see those days
The one which we always referred as past
As there is nothing gonna be last!!
I believe we will exchange our places
The places which could never be taken
As it has been left alone !!
Ultimately I believe we ll have that happiness
The happiness which needs others smiles
As we always need to smile…………
I believe , still I believe !!
