#DaRk NiGhT#

This is a special night
Without clouds and full of stars
Yes! Today we will not fight
Already we have lost many in wars!!

It was just two days ago
When everyone had their own ego
To prove their mighty powers
Now no one is left to feel those barriers!!

Still we have no idea
When those rains will come
And sweep away the left homes
If is there anyone to listen our plea!!

Well , we can see once again
Clouds are keen to cover up stars
But don’t you want Rains
Of course! But not in the night of darks!!

Let’s pray the sky not to cry
We are always with them
Let the stars come out too
As we want to wait for both of them!!



No one can stop me
No one can shut me up
I don’t sleep
I stay up

The night …
The moon …
The owl; are my friends
Once they come, I jump!

I ride my imagination
I reach the clouds
I touch the moon
I play with the stars

The night wears its charming black dress
Whispering to the sparkling stars around him
Such a glittering carpet, the sky!
There comes the owl to fly

Everyone is dreaming of tomorrow
Everything is asleep
The silence makes me smile
Sometimes it makes me weep

I return to my silent room
The sun is about to shine
The owl is ready to sleep
I’m really happy and fine

No one can stop me
No one can shut me up
I will dream
I don’t give up!


∆A QuEsT tO LiF€∆

It was the summer’s eve
When we had to meet
In the sparkling night of stars
To end the long-coming wars!!

Wars of our different ideas
Wars of our different views
Which we never wanted to share
Until having any dare!!

Well, we reached our favorite spot
As this time we didn’t wanted to lose either
Since we both were suffering a lot
Without the presence of each other!!

Sitting on the same bench
Perhaps we had the same tense
So , I asked a simple question
As we were so keen to make a relation!!

Yes , A quest for which we both were looking
I don’t want to carry you
I just want to have a story with you!! ~~


Why Wait??

Why do we wait till they are gone,
Before we tell them of their worth.
Why not tell them now?
That they mean so much to you…

Why do we wait till that person is gone,
To send them flowers galore
When a single rose would mean to have so much to them
Only if we would have taken at their doors…

Why do we wait till they become deaf?
The good things we might say could bring a smile on their face
Why keep it for later?

Of course we are busy that’s our excuse
But why oh why, do we wait
To tell a person, our love for them
Until it becomes too late for that


My PlAcE In ThE RaCe~~

I had a visit of some previous days
Where I was trying to find a single way
What interesting was there to see
Left places were still waiting for me!!

Certainly It was not just a co-incident
Even it was not used for single day on rent
As nobody wanted to loose that race
I think I had a wrong selection of that place!!

Well , I tried there to change situations
Without hoping for any impression
And as I looked to have a change
I was warned there , as it’s effect had a long range!!

Still I wanted to bring some change
But perhaps a small shift could have a large change
So , left that once again, in the same range
And returned back without any change !!

Now , I am waiting for a right place
If there is something for me , to trace
But I’ll never go back to make a change
The change which may destroy everything!!

Still I am hopeful and would like to stay
because I know there will be a day
When I will be able to have a place
The place which will never need any race!!


Not a Fairy Tale

I still remember

It was the last of November

It was raining all day long

And the wind was strong

I was only nine years old…

You were two years younger than me

I opened my arms widely

Then we hugged each other

Were I your mother,

I would do the same and more!

We sneaked to the backyard

My parents stayed inside

The storm hit the whole city

But Israel hit our own home!

People rushed from everywhere

But I was full of despair!

We stayed alone

Without mom

Without dad

Without home!

Both of us

No one else

We were there inside a tent

I was shivering, and you too

The tent was about to fly

As the storm started to blow

You missed your teddy bear

I missed my warm blanket


The torrent pulled them all

Were I able to change the calendar

I would delete that November

It was raining bombs and rockets

Oh my mom… Oh my dad

I would delete that day…
When you both passed away



ThE SaMe MoMeNt!!~

While returning from those days
and turning around the lost pages
I discovered a moment
Which could have been traced earlier!!

Just , was trying to recall
Why it was left , without any call
I got an answer
Which could have been answered earlier!!

Perhaps , was in search of someone
Hoping the same to return
I founded a new one
Which could have been founded earlier!!

Still don’t know if I will be able to make
Or again someone is there to take
As I want to add this
Which could have been added earlier!!

Let’s see , I am in wait
Hoping once again , it’s not too late
But who knows if it’s also the same moment
Which could have been traced earlier!!~~


I BeLiEvE~~

Well , This world is so large
With a lot of expectations
But I believe there would be a way
As we all have got some dreams!!
I believe we all will have a day
A day which is named as tomorrow
As it never gonna end anywhere!!
I believe we will have our own business
Something which we need to express
As it never needs anyone’s search!!
I believe we will have that touch
Yes, the one from which we always feared
As we never know whats gonna be secret!!
I believe we will see those days
The one which we always referred as past
As there is nothing gonna be last!!
I believe we will exchange our places
The places which could never be taken
As it has been left alone !!
Ultimately I believe we ll have that happiness
The happiness which needs others smiles
As we always need to smile…………
I believe , still I believe !!


The wAy~~

The way you were staring at me
Like a bee does to flowers,
The way you were laughing at me
Like a child laughs at any mistake,
The way you were mesmerizing me
Like the nature makes you awake,
The way you were ignoring me
Like it rains even if there’s flood,
The way you were smiling at me
Like the flower does seeing the drops,
The way you were whispering to me
Like the birds do in enjoyment,
And suddenly I got to know
It was all because I did first,
Like I was wishing you to see
The way  to you I used to see..!!!!


Last Summer

Last summer
I wandered lonely on the shore
And would think of you…
Have I told the sea,
What I feel for you? My heart was aching, wanting to be near you. I whispered your name in the wind, but it bounced back to me. I should let my feelings go and be free,so under the coral stone I buried my love…


