EC… Englishchats… EC
The very first time I came into this room, I’m falling in love with it. The uniqueness it brings, the society that living in it, the warm welcoming wishes from… people who we never know. Its like no boundaries in making friends, no matter from where you are, who you are and what you are, you are welcomed in here.
Dear EC,
As time passes, I got addicted to you <3 lol. I still remember, I was having big exam (very important exam) at that time… but when I got home… I’ll come to EC first, only then books 😛 **haish don’t do like this.. focus on exam first -.- There was time when I was sad… I came to the room, and my smile came back. I use to share the problems with them(users) Even I’m having headache… I am telling them -.- I know its kinda childish or, anything that you want to say.. but .. EC doesn’t mind and you get many care from this family.. hehe **feeling touched ** Well, you may get or may not get the solutions, but you can find that there are many good listeners in here 😉 That’s what more really important.
In here, I make new friends… who can be crazy who can laugh who can be sad with me.. who can give me strength in any situation. Even I have asked about my homework in here 😀 and thanks all that help.. and Cyclone … many thanks for you .. for being patient with me 😛 and those who attributes to EC Thanks a lot 😀 Even I found… love from here,(mere pehla pyaar) (Dont know if it is correct-.-) **p/s : Sayang…I loved you, I’m loving you, and I will love you ! ..Thanks for everything, Jaan..I miss you..**
Well, ehem ehem.. continue about EC.. 😛
We talked about parties, what dress we should wear, what food we should have, birthday party lol even my b’day, this loving family remembered 😀 We discussed about knowledge, jokes, quotes and we fight with those haters of EC !! yehh ! 😀 EC.. I missed you.. I have been very busy these lately With studies.. work.. However, I know you’ll always be there with us 😉 Many moments we shared together.. I don’t mind if we share more ! By tomorrow, it ll be 24th Sept, You ll be 2 years old 😀 hehe Happy Birthday to you EC ! “Many many happy returns of the day !” (I don’t know how exactly this sentences…rarely used it) huhuu. I wish to write more, really but time being jealous with sad .. I ll post many more in the express site 😀
Till here, Enjoy with EC guys and girls 😉 also … all the new user : you are welcomed into here ! Let the spirit of friendship.. spread between us ! Love is in the air. And EC, stay like this.. stay be the most decent chat that I have ever found.. stay being cool , being ‘crazy’ , being lovable being enjoyable being happy , being active and many moreeeeeee 😀 <3
Haaapppy BBiirtthhdaaayyy EC …Selamat Hari Jadi EnglishChats ..
Ignore my broken English, I am trying to improve it and… there EC will help me 😉 but I hope you guys still can understand what i am trying to say 😀
Owl 🙂