Your Heart

Your heart never lies.
it’s just, sometimes, get lost.
have you ever felt like your heart betrays you?

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Read 17 comments

  1. Thanks may05, for adding an iteresting topic here!
    Your question attracts to write.
    Heart never lies - true!
    But we lie to others and to self about our heart!
    Heart is always honest to you!
    But most of the people use to be dishonest towards their heart, not all the time but yeah, they do!
    Heart doesn't listen to anyone still we have to listen to our hearts!
    Heart is stupid it makes you believe or follow it but when fact appears it keeps silent and betrays you!
    Heart is smart if things don't go according to it, it may sent you to asylum!

    Handle with care and without stupidity!

  2. hmm...umm I think heart cant say lie cause it says abt our feelings but what heart says is not always right ...sometimes its necessary to avoid what it says...I think most of the time we are fighting with our heart...and its not fair fighting bcuz most of the time heart is winner:P

  3. Heart lies or not....its the matter of chance or say situation. Sometimes we need to take our dicisions from our heart..i think at the time when there is no hope of getting out the situation but its not necessary that ur heart would be always right.....u sud have a proper co-ordination with ur heart and only betrays then..when we lose the co-ordination...:)


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