The Silent Scream

Don’t ask me about my gender
Don’t ask me about my nationality
Don’t ask me about my religion
I’m a human of flesh and blood
I love my life
I fear the flood

But I fear the war more
And I’m here knocking your door
I fled, I left my warm bed
I’ve crossed seas and countries
I’ve endured all the injuries
I’ve walked barefoot

I have nothing to lose
I have no choice to choose
I went through a torture
I buried my future
My dreams faded away
In front of your railway

Oh! Oh! Oh!
The sea was tough
The waves were rough
“Aylan” was crying, “Aylan” was screaming
I couldn’t hold his hand
He drowned, then reached the sand

I’m not the only one who cried over him
And he isn’t the only one who drowned
I’m still knocking, knocking politely
Waiting for your welcoming with open arms
We share the same air; we share the same planet
I want to survive, so don’t add a new lament

Thank you, Germany
Thank you, Austria
Thank you, Brazil
Thank you, France
Thank you everyone who prays for us
Thank you everyone who supports us
By Blackmatta/Blue (Palestine)

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Read 9 comments

  1. Wow .. Blue its just amazing no words to describe - just touched the bottom of the heart really that will open everyone's eyes I hope .. but really u r an amazing poet 🙂


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