She said “NO”

She said β€œno”
That should have been enough for you to know
She did not have to agree just because you bowed
Let her be like the beautiful flowers which on every morning glow
Give her enough space to grow
Please understand bro
Stop threatening her with your blows
Don’t stick to her everywhere and follow her shadow
It’s okay to feel low
But please don`t create a tragedy show
You can`t blame her for destroying your life as a tornado
It’s just your ego that is causing you to raise a row
Although you might think you can be her loyal beau
She has every right to pass you by without saying β€œhello”
Accept the fact that she is neither impressed with your title of CEO nor with your lavish bungalow
Oh Romeo, when your rage overflows like a volcano, you look just like a potato
Come on take it slow, It’s high time to let her go
What will you gain in blackmailing her with a photo?
You are only proving yourself as shallow
You claim you’re her hero yet your value to her is zero
She lost her rainbow a long time ago when you poisoned your love with the sting of a Scorpio
She can no longer hymn the sweet mellow tune you could hear on radio
She is so haunted, broken and hurt with you playing the macho
Don’t let bitterness in your vein flow
Don’t let your heart turn cold in snow
Throw your pride out of the window
Before it`s too late, I hope you realise and eat crow
And remember that in the end you shall reap as you sow

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Read 3 comments

  1. Ho Ho Ho !
    Your writing makes you Glow!

    Your writing and I have become acquaintance, before reading your name I got to know its by you ! πŸ˜€
    And every time I learn at least one new word !



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