We are like the sun and the sky!
I am the boundless sky always there for you.
Sometimes it seems you can´t see me!
But I am there only, loving you in such a passionate way!
You are the sun that shows up some days!
Whenever you decide to appear
my blueness takes a meaning!
Then you hide, in a sudden you vanish out!
That is the exact moment when
you fall out from my heart!
But, I hold back my pain and expect a bit more!!
From time to time I can´t find you,
So, grey clouds tarnish this look
that is waiting for you my dear!
We are so close, now and then we are one next to the other!!
but we are too far away at the same time!
In spite of the fact that your sun and my sky
are almost together!
there is a heap of circumstances
that keep you away from me!
You are stand-offish from this life
which has no sense being on its own!!
I need you here!!
I need to feel you shining, your warmth!!
But, you don´t want to glitter in my sky!
You don´t come to grips with what means to love !
You don´t accept I am looking for you everywhere!!
You just set the distance!!
Perhaps some day, you will see how wounded I am!!
Because of your cause
Why do you like lying to me?
You still enjoy making me believe
something is possible between us !!
I pretend to believe in your word so as not to hurt your pride!
However, I am aware of the truth
Why don´t you say it ?
Why don´t you say that loving you is a daring ?
Why don´t you say that never ever our love will be true ?

He's a lucky guy... love love love I wish He'll loves you back... ......btw nice poem:)