I had a visit of some previous days
Where I was trying to find a single way
What interesting was there to see
Left places were still waiting for me!!
Certainly It was not just a co-incident
Even it was not used for single day on rent
As nobody wanted to loose that race
I think I had a wrong selection of that place!!
Well , I tried there to change situations
Without hoping for any impression
And as I looked to have a change
I was warned there , as it’s effect had a long range!!
Still I wanted to bring some change
But perhaps a small shift could have a large change
So , left that once again, in the same range
And returned back without any change !!
Now , I am waiting for a right place
If there is something for me , to trace
But I’ll never go back to make a change
The change which may destroy everything!!
Still I am hopeful and would like to stay
because I know there will be a day
When I will be able to have a place
The place which will never need any race!!
Hi Sid. I am not sure about getting the gist of your poem. Apparently, you have written about competition in today´s world.
Life is a hurdle race !!! Look for your way!! Keep on expecting for the best!!! You will find it . All bets are off. Fir milenge !!