I BeLiEvE~~

Well , This world is so large
With a lot of expectations
But I believe there would be a way
As we all have got some dreams!!
I believe we all will have a day
A day which is named as tomorrow
As it never gonna end anywhere!!
I believe we will have our own business
Something which we need to express
As it never needs anyone’s search!!
I believe we will have that touch
Yes, the one from which we always feared
As we never know whats gonna be secret!!
I believe we will see those days
The one which we always referred as past
As there is nothing gonna be last!!
I believe we will exchange our places
The places which could never be taken
As it has been left alone !!
Ultimately I believe we ll have that happiness
The happiness which needs others smiles
As we always need to smile…………
I believe , still I believe !!

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Read 5 comments

  1. I agree with Blue on this standpoint. What to say Sid Fire? The topic is Interesting.These verses are meaningful. Believe Siduuuu. I think you wanna say there is a grain of hope everywhere. Well done!!!!! Fir milenge...


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