Among the strangers was a little man, who turned towards me and asked:
” Have you ever had an unusual experience?”
And I promptly answered, ” Yes, indeed. It was the most strange experience I’ve ever had.”
The others looked curious about my “experience”, and begged me to elaborate it.
I coughed once to clear my throat and began.
” A few days ago, I had just shifted here, Springfield, in a sort of broken down apartment.” And they nodded with abundant interest.

I continued, ” There are three extraordinary and remarkable things about my story. When I’d moved there, to my astonishment, there appeared to be a face on the wall seemed to glare at me .” They frowned, surprised as well. I was savouring the moment.

“Strangely, I instantly recognized the face as my pal, my chap, Jeffery Woods. He’d left contact with me a long time ago, perhaps he was dead. I tried to phone him, and then….”, I stopped.

“…and then?”, the men gasped. I thought for a moment and continued.
“…and then I was reported that he had, indeed, passed away a few months ago. This frightened me to the maximum and I had a bad attack of influenza. The face still stared at me with hollow eyes. And a few hours later, it faded away. It was as if the face , my late-friend, was determined to inform me of his death. Isn’t it extraordinary?”, I waited for their reply.

“Yes, it is!”, one of them answered.
“But,” asked another, ” what are the three unusual things there?”

I prepared myself to give away the secret. Yes, it was time.

“First thing: There was a face embedded on the wall.
Second: I knew the face and it informed me of the death.”, I stopped short and rose up to leave the room of the hotel I was in.

They held my hand, ” And the third?”, they said.

“The third, is that I just made up the story half an hour ago. You’re fooled. Goodbye!”
And then I fled.

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