it is fault of others

First, I am learning english, and so I write a little bad, but I will try.

Today many people speak and critic to others persons because it is easier to do it this way. It always is easier to say, “hey!!, they are wrong”. And I am hurt saying I am wrong, my luck is my fault. This happen in all of categories of life, from family to work. Well! the day, all of us could take care of what we do rather than saying, that day the world will be better.

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Read 2 comments

  1. I can understand you..... BUT I don't agree you fully...its true that you will find so many people who will show you to hurt...but maybe there 4 or 5 in 100 who is your well wisher and if they say you something...its not necessarily hurting you.
    World is full of without knowing and feeling cant say they are hurting you or wishing you. And don't forget sometimes words can do all those things which your work can't....your lines are situation dependent.

  2. It's part of life , and somehow it hurts. Don't think or say it's your fault. Their words may hurt you but don't let them bring you down. Criticism has positive and negative effect, depends on a person how he/she handle it. No one is perfect and everyone has their own flaws. Take every criticism a challenge or take it in a positive way to help you become a better person.


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