
It’s world’s new trend
To say sorry my friend
First they make you worry
& Then say I am sorry

They call themselves civil
But even worse than evils
Always breaking the line
& Then say, hope you are fine

They call others animal
As they are so simple
Never try to search any slot
& Then say, I’ve searched u a lot

They always need something
But don’t want to give anything
Never try to find that gate
& Then say I was late!

They show you false attraction
Which is just a deception
They first tease you
& Then say I miss you!

Surely They will break your heart
To make you feel hurt,
They set you from happy to sad
& Then say, for you I am mad

But what can be done
They will always use you for fun
They are unknown to wisdom,
Who always tries to be in stardom

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