The worst thing a person can go through is the rejection of family members especially when the family is from your husband side. I tried hard to feel part of the family. However, in family functions his family ignore me by not allowing me to be part of their conversation. They don’t give me eye contact. If I were mute I would have exploded. The only interaction I have with them is when I personally take it upon myself to say something pertaining to the subject matter. Nevertheless their conversation is almost always pertaining to them. No one asks me about myself and how I’m doing, etc. It’s going to be 23 years with this same issue. What should I to do? I’ve decided not to participate any longer in such family functions. And if I do, then it shall be for couple of hours then I’m out. Thank you for listening. 🙂

Ah! I can feel the pain which you gone through while writing it here...
I got a question in order to say something to you .. "For how long you are with your husband's family?"
This is a common issue with the in-laws. I can understand your feelings and how you tried to fit in. But I think it's best to talk to your husband, tell him how you feel I am sure he'll understand. It would hurt you more if you keep on trying to be noticed, but instead respect them. Gain their trust , be patient and be a good daughter in-law to them. I'm sure someday they'll appreciate you and see your worth.