An urgent supplication

Almighty God,
Please guide us. Be compassionate upon our intentions . We need your help so as to open our hearts. What else can we do for those who are in need?
Please Lord, give us strength. Because all that is surrounding us is suffering. What can we do for those people who are running away? What else can we do for those who are looking for haven?
Always observing God, give us light, so as to keep on praying for peace. Comfort to those who have no shelter. Give strength to all religious leaders, all over the world so that they may be tolerant. Please Lord, touch the heart of those who are being dominated by intolerance.
Supreme Creator, we need you. The whole world is suffering. Thousands of miles are lost. Others, have lost almost everything. Guide us. If we can do something else apart from praying, we want to know what. Give us a signal.
Please God, listen to this desperate entreaty. We are begging for peace, tolerance and respect. We are supplicating for compassion, guidance and solidarity. Make us strong.
Please Lord, the whole world is in need. We are begging for your endless mercy in order to stop suffering. I am adamant that your compassion will be upon all of us. Amen.

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