Etiquette or Education ?

What is more important , Etiquette or Education ?

what if a person has no etiquette but education!

and what if a person has only etiquette but no education!!

Met such people ever?

What is about you in this regard!


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  1. in my opinion, education gives us insights to understand things. it is the only thing which makes us visible among others. it is the source of respect because education gives u knowledge which is respected everywhere and in every sphere of life. just because of it, we look confident that is strength , if we are confident we can clinch the victory in every field, all in all, education is the source of ur knowledge and wisdom, second, education must be given in a proper way because if it is moral less then it is valueless so make it full of values and ethics, last but not the least, education must be given in such a way that could enlighten our inner . SECOND, etiquette shows ur humbleness and politeness. if u are having good manners and etiquette and manners, u will be liked by all , BUT only good education makes u give respect. they both are important at their places. we cant underestimate either of them, but if someone has both good education and etiquette , he will be liked and respected everywhere, money ,fame,name, everything will be of his easy pies .... WISHING u good luck .


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